I have a good friend named Cody. I've known Cody for a very long time, almost twenty years. We met each other doing historical re-enactments, and since that time we've become neighbors. Cody has even employed me from time to time. Cody is, among many other things, a stone mason. Cody is also a historic preservation general contractor. In the town where we live he has restored three historic homes from the 1870s. You can see one of his recent projects here.
Cody is also an amazing wood worker. Last winter for Solstice he gave me the coolest little candle holder that he turned on a foot-treadle lathe. And today, get ready to be jealous... today he gave me...
wait for it...
Don't you think it has a very long handle? That's to keep me far away from the fire...
Of course, when there's actually bread on the peel, the fire will be swept out of the oven, but the oven will still be hot, so ergo the long handle. Actually, I don't have a bread oven. But I often dream about a wood fired bread oven. I'll probably sleep with the bread peel tonight.
That's why Cody is such a good friend: he fuels my dreams. He was in Nauvoo recently, and he went to the bakery there. He talked my book up to the sweet little ladies in the bakery, who, it turns out, wanted to know all about historic yeast applications. I'm not sure if they're allowed to get online, but we'll send them some information anyway.
Hope your plans for the 24th are coming along! Do tell...
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6 years ago
Yah, that dude is pretty cool, isn't he?
Keep up the dreaming...
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